c:/fpga/ulx3s/dvi4_lse/vga2dvid.vhd(158): generate condition is not
constant. VHDL-1089
On next screen, Pick Verilog for Module Output and
then customize
Press Calculate and see if you need to
increase Tolerance, then select Optional Ports tab:
Add the PLL Lock output, press
Configure then Close. Then, pick Yes, on this window to add .sbx file to
Now, you don't need to add the Verilog, .v file that it created. But, I add it and then right click and pick “Exclude from Implementation”
Here is the DVI example Diamond Project Folder with new PLL.
The PLL is now rigged for 720p. To change resolution, need to click on the .sbx and change the primary and secondary frequencies to match new resolution.
This is OK by me because 720p@60Hz and 1080p@30Hz are the main things I'm interested in and they both use the same clock settings.
Added PLL to Blinky example to make blinks faster using Clarity Designer
Main goal was to see if can compile with Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) instead of Synplify Pro and that worked
For some reason the Clarity Designer .sbx file is sythesis tool dependent. So, had to recreate PLL in Clarity when switched tool.
Here is the Blinky example Diamond Project Folder with PLL.
I seem to like the LSE better than Synplify Pro, but seems like Synplify Pro is probably more powerful.
You don't need to clean every time with LSE like you do with Synplify Pro