- Does continous Fast Fourier Transform of microphone input and displays
on VGA monitor. Lets you visualize sound. Requires
connecting a VGA monitor to VGA output port.
VGA Bitmap - Shows an embedded 8bpp VGA image. Requires connecting
a VGA monitor to VGA output port.
uSD Wav Player - Plays an audio file out the headphone jack.
Requires one to put the included test7.wav file onto a FAT32 formatted
uSD card and then placed into the SimpleP2++ board and also requires
headphones or speaker connected to hear it.
Embedded Wav Player - Plays an audio file out the headphone
jack. File is included as data, so no uSD needed. Requires
headphones or speaker connected to hear it.
WVGA with USB Mouse - Shows an 800x480 (WVGA) image over VGA port
and show USB mouse position as a single black pixel. Hold down
left button to draw on image. Can see mouse position in Debug or
Terminal window. Plug USB mouse into lower USB port.