- New Version 02Jun24: Here are MicroPython v1.22.2 binaries for P2Eval and SimpleP2 boards with P2 clock
set at 252 MHz, now with working I2C
Note: Main differences between these boards are pins uses for uSD
card access and pins used for error leds
SimpleP2 board:
P2Eval Board (or equivalent)
[make sure flash switch is off to load]:
- Here are MicroPython v1.22.2 binaries for P2Eval and SimpleP2 boards with P2 clock
set at 297 MHz
Note: Main differences between these boards are pins uses for uSD
card access and pins used for error leds
SimpleP2 board:
P2Eval Board (or equivalent)
[make sure flash switch is off to load]:
- Info on using MicroPython for P2
Much thanks to Eric Smith (ersmith in P2 forum) for creating this version of micropython
My contribution was getting it up to the current version 1.22.2 (thanks again to Eric Smith and also Roger Loh (rogloh) for the assistance)
The usual way to interact is via a terminal window on a computer. If you use flexprop to load the binary, this window will automatically appear after loading
You then get the REPL interactive interface
- If you have a version with USB from
above, you can use a USB keyboard to enter text instead of the
computer keyboard
- if you have a version with VGA from the
above, you can use a VGA monitor to to see the output, instead of
terminal window
- if you have a version with WiFi from
above, you can use putty to have a wireless terminal interface with
P2 WiFi module configured to act as telnet interface
Some things you can do there:
- To see files on uSD (you probably want a
FAT formatted uSD to be installed) do: "import os" and then
- You probably want this
version of pye (a text editor) to be on your uSD, then can do
"import pye" and then "pye.pye("test.txt") to edit a file on uSD
I've added a module named "p2" to add special functionality
- You can do "import p2" and then "print(dir(p2))" to get a sense of what is there
- Some things include smartpin commands like pinh(pin), servo control, ping control, ADC, DAC, feedback servo input, and some others
- Info on building RiscvP2, needed to compile this version of MicroPython for P2
Here are the files that modify the Riscv installation at /opt/riscv for P2
This is with Ubuntu 22.04 and this folder is in the home folder
I do "sudo make install" there to make it work
First though, you need to download gcc version 8.3.0 (xPack GNU RISC-V
Embedded GCC, 64-bit) and install it into /opt/riscv
- Info on building this Micropython v1.22.2 for P2