Current version is 3b (download here).
Please read .txt file before using!
Now with Trig Functions, LN, LOG, SQRT, Unit Converter, Tip Calculator, Memory
For insight into it's operation take a look at this
state diagram.
Floating point calculator. Currently accurate to 4 (almost 5)
decimal places. (Hope to make it 5 places by hiding the MSbit of the
mantissa one day). Using my own flavor or s16e7
floats with 16 bit mantissa, 7 bit exponent and 1 bit sign.
Known bugs/limitations:
Overflow/Underflow are not trapped so you will get the wrong answer in
this case
Fixed a bug regarding -0 in version 1a
Abandoned for SciCalc... (but might come back one day)
My first WristApp...
Shows a graphical view of the current month.
Browse days/months/years with crown (use Stop/Reset to select mode).
Push Start/Spit to return to today.
Download current version (2a) here.
There is also this European version with
Monday first.
Known bugs:
Calendar returns to present date when Start/Split is pushed, but if you
were on a different month, then the calendar may not be redraw correctly
(especially the first week).