Propeller Touchscreen Platform
Now Available!

Propeller Platform Compatible |
Amplified audio out |
Full-size SD card |
Mounting holes for optional 4-cell AAA battery pack (mounts
underneath) |
Three varieties available:
PTP "Full Build" has all components installed (except optional
battery holder and expansion eeprom socket). Just connect a
screen and you're ready, Only $65. |
PTP "Shield" has just those components needed to drive the
screen. Mount this shield on your Propeller Platform board and
you're ready.
The PTP Shield is now available at GadgetGangster.com !

PTP bare boards are available for $10. |
To order, just
with what you want. |
Available Accessories:
4-cell AA battery holders are $2 |
spare eeprom sockets are $1 (compatible with
3AD module). |
Example Code:
Download PTP Graphics Demo: This is the Parallax TV "Graphics
Demo" example that has been adapted to the PTP screen.
Download PTP Paint!: This is a screen drawing app that
demonstrates a touchscreen interface. |
Download PTP Waveplayer: Plays stereo wav files from SD
card to headphones.
Updated 10Aug10 to FSRW 2.6 for better reliability.
The codes above actually use "DE" mode to drive the display
In DE mode, the sync signals on P16 and P17 aren't really
used |
PTP Design Files and Bill of Materials (BOM)
The PTP was designed using free software from ExpressPCB.
All components of the PTP are available from Digikey.