NH4: Adapter for Newhaven 4.3" resistive (and now capacitive
touch!) touchscreens
Now Available!

Introductory low price is $19.99 with free shipping.
To order, just email to
ray@rayslogic.com and we'll send you a PayPal invoice.
The NH4 is essentially the same as our Samsung 4.3" touchscreen
adapters, just modified and fine tuned for the Newhaven 4.3"
touchscreens that are available from Digikey and Mouser.
All code for the Samsung (PSB) displays is easily modified to
run on NH4, such as the Paint program: |
The NH4 is designed to plug directly into the upper row of pins on a
Propeller Platform compatible board, but it can easily be used on a
breadboard or other Propeller proto setup also. |
Here's a photo of the NH4 connected to a Propeller Platform and a
Newhaven 4.3" LCD:
Note that this is a "bottom contacts" only connector, so it
won't work if plugged in upside down. |
Update: Newhaven displays now with better polarizer
New compatible part numbers are:
[product link]
[datasheet] (capacitive touch [needs adapter])
Capacitive Touch
You can now use Newhaven's capacitive touch 4.3" screens with the
NH4 by adding a small breakout to the setup and running 4 jumper wires
as shown here:
Breakout boards are only $3 with free USPS shipping. |

Example Code
Note: If not using the upper row of pins on a Propeller
Platform board, you will probably need to adjust the pin settings in
these files. |
Lets you draw in the screen with stylus or fingertip as shown in
a picture above. |
This is a quick adaptation of PSB Paint as NH4 is very similar
to the Samsung 4.3" breakouts and boards. |
This is an adaptation of the Propeller Graphics Demo for TV.